March 12, 2020
If you're like us, you enjoy watching tv shows like HGTV, Property Brothers, Love It or List It, or variations of such home improvement shows so popular with american audiences. Home improvemnt enthusiasts can't help but imagine their own homes or businesses transformed like the ones we watch (almost addictively) into their dream home or work spaces. Updating the electrical system of said property is one of the most valuable and beautiful things you can do to upgrade the value and safety of residentail or commercial properties. A key factor in choosing your landscape lighting according to HGTV (one of our favorites) is this: Placement matters , so consider drawing a picture of the front (and/or back) of your home and think carefully about where lighting is needed, keeping in mind purposes such as providing light for walkways, creating ambient light for outdoor lounging spaces, or lighting feature areas with spotlights. Read the full article and watch videos from HGTV here